Sunday, November 15, 2009

the joys of international correspondence

even though i have a cell phone, i have a really bad pay-as-you-go plan and it costs an arm and a leg to call the states. luckily, there's skype - free online phone service. seems like a dream come true, yes? not so much...because...

- half my friends don't even have internet at home, so online phone service = useless

- i'm five hours ahead and it's a crapshoot as to when anyone's going to be online

- the 'rents and i are having...technical difficulties...which results in me sounding like a "monster" after 1 minute of conversing. we have to keep hanging up and calling each other back, except when they won't hang up and instead want me to keep talking to entertain my 2.5 year old nephew.

while i love hearing the little guy giggle (might be my favorite sound in the world) do i really want to be remembered as "aunt monster"????

sigh. i gotta get a calling card. :-)

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