Wednesday, November 25, 2009

american girl, american pie

if i lived in the States, i'd be enjoying thanksgiving tomorrow. two free days off of work, delicious food, and wonderful time with the family i took for granted. however, i live in the UK where it's about 60 degrees, we're working tomorrow, and the concept of laying around all day eating turkey is lost on people.

luckily i have an american friend who recognizes the importance of these things. she's having Christine and me over for dinner, so i needed to bake up some pumpkin pies in preparation.

i had all the ingredients, a working oven, etc. no problemo, right? er, hmmm. i should learn to stop thinking that. let's review the events of the evening, shall we?

the much sought-after canned pumpkin. it's all natural for crying out loud, how much harm could it cause??

plenty, as it were. the small hole in the can was all i could manage to produce with the weird tin opener i found in the drawer. i asked (bribed with a glass of wine) my roomate for help, who tossed the tin opener aside and went for a knife. this is as far as we got.

we decided our tin opener and the knife were rubbish. roommate sent me next door to borrow neighbor's tin opener.

cripes. i've given myself a blister.

victorious! look closely. the lid was cut from the SIDE of the can and not the TOP like an american can opener would do. sodding backwards crap.

i win i win i win i win i win i...oh wait. the recipe called for ground cloves and all i could find at sainsbury's were...whole cloves.

i win i win i win i win i win

a very long while later, two small pies emerged from the oven. it was a difficult birth and they're not the prettiest things, but i'm a proud mama nevertheless. :-)

1 comment:

CKron said...

Wahooo! So proud of you! Can't wait to eat them in a few hours!