Friday, July 10, 2009

new digs

Our first day at the new site! There were a bunch of bushes and trees that needed to be cleared out, so Gilberto thought it would be good to burn everything down vs. digging it out. Small problem though...there was a power line above the bushes (which I swear I pointed out), but no matter, we lit a giant blaze anyway. Five minutes later and we were all dumping our drinking water on the damn thing and racing down the block in search of shovels to throw dirt (and I didn't think I would get to run at all in Peru!) Luckily we contained the fire and resorted to...digging. Ha ha ha. Gilberto introduced a new tool today though. Machetes! These are strangely satisfying to use and I was in seventh heaven whacking away at the bushes (insert joke here). Actually, the boys looked happy too, between the fire and the fact that they got to chop down a tree. I think we are all just cave people inside, really.

Soon to be toilets

We didn't start the fire...


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