Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear Family and Friends...

...I know you’re all wondering about the riots. They’re all over London but the fires/looting haven’t come close to me. The city just issued a ‘blackwatch’ list of Tube stations for tonight and luckily the nearest ‘black’ station is across the river from me (tower hill).

I live in a council estate, which is the type of housing most of the rioters live in (from what I’ve seen on the news) – hence I’m hoping they won’t decide to sh!t where they eat, so to speak. I’m in a building with secure entry (and I have four locks on my own front door)! If it gets really bad, my office is nearby and has security guards, so I can always come to work if I have to. It will be allright. Pray for London.



Anonymous said...

Stay safe in Crazytown!

Bonnie said...


You are always in my prayers!

Love you bunches,
Aunt Bonnie

CKron said...

Hopefully this all subsides soon : P