Saturday, September 26, 2009

closet catharsis

there's been a growing mountain of stuff for Goodwill in my hall. for the past month, pretty much every time i get dressed or open a closet, something new gets tossed onto the pile. i just have too much...crap. my mother has offered to store some things, which makes sense for say, furniture, but really, do I need 15 winter coats? the answer is no. so with great difficulty, this packrat bagged everything up and drove it over to the Oakley drop-off center today. while i probably won't even know most of this stuff is gone, the seemingly endless pile of sorority t-shirts and bad gifts from Christmas past is is a little piece of my history that for some reason, I have carted from house to house to house. i guess it's just not a piece of history i particularly need to take overseas. :-)

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