Thursday, June 30, 2011

modern woman

after much chiding during my visit to cincinnati last week, i really am going to try to keep my blog more up to date than posting every three months!

so. i moved into a new apartment on 1 april this year, which was a big step for me as it meant no more hostel-style living situation with four roommates. it was also a big step because it was a pseudo-move-in with adam (pseudo because he still has the place in kent, lovingly dubbed our 'country home'). the apartment is fab, with 10' ceilings, three rooms (including a bedroom), a good sized bath, and a modern kitchen.

the kitchen is probably the best room, hands down. i can't decide what i like more - having my very own large (large for the UK, anyway) fridge, the delightfulness of the gas range, or the perfectly even cooking that the FAN OVEN provides.

what i wasn't so sure about was the dishwasher. to be clear, i grew up with a dishwasher. i've always had one, and when i lived on my own in cincinnati, i filled that thing up and ran it at least 2-3 times per week. heck, even the house share had a dishwasher BUT with four roommates and a limited supply of things like pans, spoons, etc. i got into the habit of washing by hand. it was easier and it made sure all the housemates could have access to what they needed without waiting 2 days for the dishwasher to be run (it always prevented the quandary over whose turn it was to UNLOAD the dishwasher).

adam's country pad doesn't have a dishwasher and he wasn't fussed about using the one in our swanky new kitchen. we've been washing everything with one of those handled brushes that foams soap out the end (these are brilliant). however, when we were in the states last week, we got into the habit of using the dishwasher since my parents gave me funny looks when i tried to wash everything by hand.

we realised how much easier it is to use the dishwasher, especially after you've worked till 9 pm and can't be asked to even MAKE dinner let alone clean it up. why waste your energy scrubbing those pots when a machine will do it for you! i have to say, one reason i didn't use the dishwasher was that i felt guilty running using so much water. But, since i don't have a water meter in the new place and i have to pay 'even billing' based on my whole neighborhood's water usage (it's stupidly high, the way) i may as well use it up!

(sorry, momma earth but i've been guilty of running the dishwasher half empty and probably will continue to do so. hopefully the fact that i walk to work and recycle helps counter balance my horribleness...)

1 comment:

CKron said...

Yay! Was wondering if you’d abandoned this blog ; )

I love that you call Adam’s place your country home - ha!